Mero Technologies - Sample Outage – Incident details

All systems operational

Sample Outage

Started 7 days agoLasted about 12 hours


New Mero Control Centre

Operational from 2:02 PM to 4:02 PM


Operational from 2:02 PM to 4:02 PM

Third-Party Cellular Provider

Major outage from 12:46 PM to 2:02 PM, Operational from 2:02 PM to 4:02 PM

Third-Party LoRA Network Provider

Operational from 2:02 PM to 4:02 PM

  • Resolved

    The networking issue has been fully resolved. The outage lasted from June 25th at 10:30PM to June 26th at 9:32AM ET. Below is the following post-mortem summary from Rogers:

    "... Rogers teams identified that last night around 10:30 PM ET there was a spike in traffic... Rogers teams identified a VPN tunnel dropped at that time which led teams to suspect this was the cause and immediately failed over the firewall. Once this failed over was completed, teams immediately saw that traffic began to normalize."

  • Monitoring

    The issue with our networking provider, Rogers, has been identified and resolved. Devices are starting to regain their cellular connection. We are continuing to monitor the situation and will provide further updates here.

    We were able to narrow down the issue to an outage within the Rogers Cellular Network, specifically affecting their IoT infrastructure (Jasper). This issue was completely isolated from Mero’s systems.

    We are waiting for Rogers to conduct a post-mortem analysis on the issue and will update our status page ( with more information as it becomes available.

  • Identified

    We've identified the issue to an outage with our 3rd Party Cellular Provider, Rogers/Jasper. We are in contact with Support Engineers at Rogers and they are working to fix the issue.

  • Investigating

    We are currently not receiving samples from some sites due to a potential outage with our LoRA/Sensor Network Provider. We are investigating the cause.